Saturday, July 30, 2011

Grooming Dogs

Dogs are widely kept as pets in houses. When a pet is adopted the owner must take proper care of the animal. A considerable amount of time must be spent with the animal. This helps to develop a friendly nature of the particular. The animal must not be tied with leashes all the time. Regular combing for dogs which have long coat hairs is very much necessary. Very short hair coat dogs do not need a comb. For combing purpose a metal comb must be used. The paws of the animals must be cleaned after an outdoor walk. The ears must be checked at least once in a week. Natural shampoos must be used while bathing a dog. Chemical shampoos are not good for these animals. A lot of exercise is necessary for the dogs.

Don’t Leave your Pet Alone for Long

If you are a pet lover, then a recent survey report will definitely be one that you should follow. It has been suggested by the report that the pets look up to their owners at all times and they require constant attention at all times. Moreover, leaving a pet in an empty home is not the best thing to do, particularly if you have a dog or a cat as they tend to get lonely when they are left on their own for prolonged periods. So if you are going out for a while, make sure that you have somebody over to look after your pet so that the mentality of your pet is always fresh.

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Looking after pet animals

Having pets is a big responsibility. Not all animals should be kept as pets just because we want them to. Only those that can be 'pets' and at the same time live a life close to their natural ways should be considered. The well being of the animal is most important. It needs a lot of attention and care, requires ample amount of exercise, and a proper diet. They have their share of illness and in those times they must be given a lot of care and love. One thing that must be remembered at all times is that, the 'pet' is not a toy that is there for it's good looks or sweet nature and would behave the way we want them to, it is an individual animal with a mind of it's own.

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Day Care Centers to look after your Pet

All kids like to have pets but in the nuclear families of today, having pets have become very inconvenient especially dogs, cats and such other animals that need to be allowed to roam free. As a result, the different pet care centers are taking up the responsibility of looking after the animals when no one is at home. They are employing trained professionals to look after all kinds of pets, to feed them, walk them and even train them if necessary when the parents are away and the kids are at school. These pet care centers are also charging negligible fees and so, having pets is not inconvenient anymore.

Special Monsoon Cares For Pets

Pets are the integral part of the human society. Proper care of the pets must be taken throughout the year. During the monsoon season, special cares are necessary. During the rainy climates, the pets cannot be taken outside the house. So, extra time has to be spent with them. The body of the animals must be cleaned everyday. During the rainy season, various bacteria and fungi attack the pets. They seem to fall ill often. Anti fungal and anti bacterial medicines must be used. Uses of pet powders are necessary. Even certain bugs seem to attack the pets. Special observations are necessary. The hairs must be brushed properly with a comb twice a day. The pets must not be taken outside during rainy situations.

Friday, July 22, 2011

Hamster Care

They seem like one of the cuddliest things to keep as a pet. And undoubtedly they are but taking care of the delicate rodents is not an easy task. Their maintained might seem to be far less than that of a pet dog or cat but their life is more fragile than the rest.
They are creatures of the wild. They like to be free like the rest of the rodent counterparts but if the choice has been made to domesticate them then utmost precautions have to make so that they do not lose their life. Firstly starting with choosing with a proper diet that suits your pet hamster. Nothing that it does not eat should be given. Next proper bedding of the cage has to be provided so that they are warm and cozy and lastly regular interaction is very necessary so that they do not lose touch with you.

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Simple Tips on Pet Care

Taking care of your pet animal/s is not as difficult as it seems. Providing appropriate nutrition for your pets is a necessary factor. Cheese and various dairy products should be avoided as animals find these products difficult to digest and they usually end up having a stomach upset. Besides this chocolate, coffee, any kind of alcohol, Macadamia nuts, grapes, raisins, raw meat, onion and garlic are foods which should never be fed to pet animals( very important).
The next important thing to keep in mind while pet caring is that your pets need a job. They need to be entertained and occupied. You can do this by teaching your cat or dog some skills or play games like tug—of—war or commonly played game ‘fetch.’ Taste filled chewy toys can be of great help.
Enrich your pet’s life by keeping them entertained and providing them with the best meals.

Dwelling with Hamsters Is Easy and Fun

Hamsters are one of the cutest pets one can opt for. Having a hamster around the house fills the day with amusement. The hamster takes up very little space compared to dogs or cats or even fish tanks and is very easy to maintain. But one must understand that the hamsters definitely demand time and attention from their owners. One common chore that needs to be daily is feeding a watering the hamster daily. Sanitation is of top priority and hence their toilet should be cleaned at regular intervals. Playing with the hamster for atleast an hour everyday will keep them healthy and fit.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Pets: an integral part of human society

Researchers have shown that caring for pets have helped shape human evolution. Man was a socialized animal and hence took to employing other animals for various activities. This gradually led to them caring for these animals as they became a part of man’s daily life. With the progress of time, man has finally evolved and the love for animals has increased. Almost every ecosystem, in every part of the world has people associated to animals. Caring for pets thus becomes a part of one’s daily activity as they get attached to these animals and their existence.

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Love your dog as you love yourself!

How much time do you spend at the saloon or beauty parlor? Do you pay that much attention to your pet, especially if it is a dog? These are some dog grooming tips a dog owner should keep in mind. Firstly, a dog’s ears must be cleaned regularly, at least on a weekly basis. Secondly, the dog’s nail must be clipped from time to time, to prevent damage to its paws. Its bathing regime should be sound and effective. It should include hair brushing, actually bathing and subsequent dry-blowing. Its hair should also be pruned from on a regular basis to avoid lice. A dog’s hygiene level speaks a lot of its owner.

Thursday, July 7, 2011


Out four footed friends actually need more care than it seems. We all love to have pet dogs and we generally treat them as members of our family. Dogs need a lot of care as their coat needs to be maintained properly and should also be given food supplements along with regular food. The food habits of all dogs are not the same hence the food chart must be obtained from the Vet. They should be given a wash at least once a weak with anti-lice shampoo. They should be dried thoroughly to avoid infections and need to be vaccinated regularly. Dogs are faithful companions and all these steps are worthwhile to ensure a healthy life for your friend!

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Pets Are Difficult Yet So Lovable

When small, all pets seem to be cute and cuddly without too much of a hassle to manage and maintain them. This, however, changes as they grow up. Chewing the sofa seems like a great amusement to dogs especially. It takes a little getting used to before any command or the occasional, ’Bad dog!’ seems to work but nevertheless it does. Caring for pets is fun and slowly becomes a routine and the best part is, your pet seems to understand what you say! Love, care, constant vigilance and patience are the virtues whish should be religiously followed while helping a pet familiarize with you and your family.

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Pet care products industry

Many of us have pets. It is a source of relaxation and has a calming effect on us. Many houses have dogs, while others have birds, fishes etc.
But just having a pet isn’t enough. Proper care needs to be taken to see that they don’t fall ill, or catch a disease. As a result, pet care is a big industry today which provides specialized products for various pets. There are specially formulated dog foods for various species, and special medicines to be added to the water in aquariums. Again, one sort of medicine cannot be used with all sorts of fishes, so there are specializations there as well.